As most of our weekends go we spent ours at a ballfield. Chey played with his coed softball team, Whoosh, at a tourney in Muskogee. Being that it was the normal blazing hot Oklahoma weather, me & the girls decided to visit the water park there in Muskogee. I have to say I would recommend this place to anyone who is anywhere close to the Muskogee area. It wasn't so big that I was worried to let the girls run around without me, but not too small they got bored. In fact we closed the place down at
8:00. It was a perfect summer day hanging out with my sweet girls. Luckily we still had plenty of time to watch a few of the softball games. They ended up winning the tourney of course. Good job Whoosh!
I love the picture of Taygan!! Yea Whoosh!