I don't know where she gets it from but Makaylie is an amazing hula hooper. She cracks us up because she can just stand there barely moving and go on & on & keep that thing going. When I try to I really have to put some effort into it, maybe its because I'm too old to do it?? lol
Day #30
I don't know where she gets it from but Makaylie is an amazing hula hooper. She cracks us up because she can just stand there barely moving and go on & on & keep that thing going. When I try to I really have to put some effort into it, maybe its because I'm too old to do it?? lol
Day #29
Ok I know I'm a little behind since Eclipse came out today, but I watched New Moon for the first time tonight. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm always at least a year behind on watching movies that I like. I think its because I'm always watching movies the kids or Chey likes, oh well such is a mother's life :) Anyway, loved the movie & I'm ready for Eclipse now. That particular book of the Twilight series was probably my least favorite, but I'm sure the movie will be good. Breaking dawn was probably my favorite so thats the one I'm really looking forward to.
Day #28
Meet our newest pet, Jumper! I found him when I was sweeping grass off the front porch. I yelled for the girls to come outside to come look at him and of course lil miss Taygan decided we needed to keep him. We are keeping him in the ice chest, no we took the beer out lol!! Its so funny because Makaylie is totally creeped out at it & Taygan is sitting on the couch holding it! When I took the picture of it she put bunny ears on it, what a goofball she is! She is asking me right now if she can let it on the couch to play LOL!!! Wish us luck, the last frog met an unfortunate fate in Taygan's closet!
Day #27
Today was spent cleaning house & doing laundry, always fun stuff!! Its not very often that we are all home at the same time for longer than a couple of hours. Its amazing what can get done with 4 people helping. But of course since we were home for the entire day, it was a perfect day for a friend to come over, which is exactly what Makaylie had in mind instead of cleaning. Imagine that!! When we moved here Makaylie was starting the 2nd grade and was pretty sad to leave the friends she had made in Wanette. Since that 1st day of 2nd grade though her & her friend Hannah have been inseperable. I can't say enough good things about Hannah & her family. I am so glad they have become such great friends. And as you can tell by the picture, Taygan thinks Hannah is her best friend too. I guess that's just how little sisters are, luckily Hannah & Makaylie are pretty good about letting her tag along.
Day #26
As most of our weekends go we spent ours at a ballfield. Chey played with his coed softball team, Whoosh, at a tourney in Muskogee. Being that it was the normal blazing hot Oklahoma weather, me & the girls decided to visit the water park there in Muskogee. I have to say I would recommend this place to anyone who is anywhere close to the Muskogee area. It wasn't so big that I was worried to let the girls run around without me, but not too small they got bored. In fact we closed the place down at
8:00. It was a perfect summer day hanging out with my sweet girls. Luckily we still had plenty of time to watch a few of the softball games. They ended up winning the tourney of course. Good job Whoosh!
Day #25
Well I kind of lost track of my project today and forgot to take a picture. I had the perfect opportunity to since I went to a friend's bachelorette party. I went with one of my great friends Dorothy & even though we were the oldest there we still had lots of fun & lots of laughs. Unfortunately I can't say much more than that because as everyone knows what happens at a bachelorette party stays at the party lol!!
Day #24
I've never had much of a green thumb or really took the time to try, but I really wanted the girls to enjoy planting something & watching it grow. So, I figured an easy thing to do was sunflowers and since we consume a ton of sunflower seeds I thought it would be cool to show the girls where they come from. As you can see they are doing well. Since we haven't had any rain to speak of in awhile, Taygan is watering them. We can't wait to see them continue to grow and see the beautiful flowers they will produce!
Day #23
There is nothing like grilling in the summer. When we moved here a couple of years ago, our last grill didn't make the move, so we've been without since. I've been bugging Cheyenne to go get us a new one for awhile now and last week he did!!! Unfortunately I haven't gotten to use it, but I plan on it very soon. I've got some yummy looking shrimp that need to be eaten!!
Day #22 Tonight was the last night of Taygan's tball season. I'm not sure what their record was but they did really well. She really enjoyed this year with her coaches & teammates. Being the little ballplayer she is, she is already talking about playing pitching machine in the fall! It was kind of a bittersweet moment for me because no longer will I have a child playing tball. Ok I know that sounds silly but in reality what it means is my babies are growing up :(
Day #20 Despite the 2 rain delays, we had such a great time in Omaha watching our team finally get the win!!! It was an awesome game and OU won 4-3! It was a perfect Father's Day gift for my dad & Cheyenne, my two favorite dads in the world! The left fielder for OU is from Durant & my brother coached him when he was a freshman. So in a round about way, we personally knew someone out there playing. After the second rain delay, my mom & dad decided to take the girls back to the hotel & let me, Chey, & my brother wait it out to see if they were going to continue eventually. After a few minutes, we decided to walk along the street outside the stadium do some shopping & have a beer or two. While we were out there, we thought we heard that they were going to continue the game Monday morning, so we were just hanging out & decided to call my dad & have him come back & get us. All of a sudden Chey looks up at the t.v. that was on & saw the game being played. We took off down the street as fast as we could laughing all the way, because we almost missed watching the last few innings. We made it in plenty of time & enjoyed watching them win by one point!!
Day #19 This pic is us on our way to Omaha, Nebraka to see the OU baseball team play in the college world series. We went with my mom, dad, and brother. It was an 8 hour trip with 7 people in one vehicle. Believe it or not, it really wasn't bad & didn't seem like it took all that long. My girls are the only grandkids on my side of the family so they are totally spoiled rotten. They love spending time with granmom & grandad and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. I am so very thankful for the relationship they have with my parents. I know that as they get older they will always be close to them. Since I never really had a close relationship with my grandparents as a kid I am so grateful that my parents have chosen to have that special bond with my kids.
Day #18 Me & Makaylie are just hanging out at the house being silly taking self portraits together. I know girls are harder to raise & more expensive, but I so love my girls. I also know in the next few years they are going to be teenagers & they aren't going to like me anymore, so I cherish these moments of just being silly hanging out together.
Day #17 This has been basketball camp week for both girls at USAO in Chickasha. The Lady Drovers basketball coach puts one on for local girls from kindergarten thru high school. They both had a great time playing, learning new drills, & meeting new friends. Today was their last day & I think they were ready for it. Its tough work practicing everyday in a non air conditioned gym lol!! Unfortunately I didn't get to see them in action except for a few minutes today, but I was very proud of them. Makaylie got 2nd place in her age division for ball handling! She obviously did not get this skill from me! They didn't give awards in Taygan's age group, much to her disappointment. They both got t-shirts, whick Taygan had the USAO players sign and OU ladies basketball posters. Makaylie got a basketball which is now signed as well by the USAO players!
Day #15 Next month the girls are going to be in our very good friends wedding, Kevin & Sammie. Kevin has been apart of our lives for the almost 5 years. He has been a great friend & assistant coach to Chey for alot of that time. He has become a part of our family & the girls love him very much. Since he has gotten engaged to Sammie, she has become apart of our family too! They are so excited to be in the wedding. For both of them this will be #2 for being flower girls. They got their shoes today so they of course had to put their dresses on to see the complete ensemble! Thanks to Kevin & Sammie for allowing them to be apart of their big day!
Day #14 Even with Taygan being our "tomboy" she still loves playing with her baby dolls. Its so cute to watch her "mommy" them. She is so sweet & caring with them. I love to watch her when she thinks no one is watching. Although I was a little worried today because I walked in & she was trying to pierce their ears with one of my earrings lol!! poor baby!
Day #13 One of Makaylie's favorite things is ice cream. She takes after her daddy because her favorite flavor is chocolate. Although her close second is mint chocolate chip, which she gets everytime we go to Braums. I'm not sure who got her started on that flavor, could have been me?? Its one of my favorites too. It cracks me up though because you don't see a whole lot of kids asking for that kind.
And yes she is eating it with a fork, crazy child lol!
Day #12 Last night I had a fun girls night out with some girls I went to middle & high school with. We had a great time talking & laughing & sharing stories from the past yikes!!! lol Two of the girls that came a couple of us hadn't seen since they moved in middle school. It was very cool to see them after all these years. I know most people think that this age of technology where everyone is connected is a little much but without it this reunion would have never happened. Because of facebook we have all gotten to get to know each other again & luckily get to see each other too!
This pic is of me & my best friend, Sara. We have been best friends since 7th grade! I bet most people can't say that. I'm truly blessed to have her in my life. She is one of the most strong, kind, caring, fun girls I know. We have so many incredible memories together we could probably write a book about them. We have shared alot of laughs & alot of tears over all these years & there is no one in this world I'd rather share a friendship with.
Day #11 As I mentioned in the last post, the girls have been attending Vacation Bible School at our church this past week. Friday night they had family fun night so the kids could do a few a the songs they learned & tell & show us the activities they participated during the week. Afterwards, we ate hamburgers & hotdogs & all the kids played outside on those big bouncy things. We had a really great time! The girls very much enjoyed hanging out with their friends & learning verses, songs, & hopefully life lessons.
Day #10 All this week the girls have been going to Vacation Bible School at our church in Pocasset. Taygan is here showing me one of the things she has made. They have had a great time learning songs, bible verses, & playing with their friends. I myself have some very fond memories of Bible School. We should be very thankful for the people who play a part in making it happen. I know there are alot of children who without it would not come to know Jesus.
Day #9 Who doesn't love a good day in the slip n slide?? Even though ours has a hole in it, which created a mud hole almost big enough to play mud volleyball in, the girls have a blast on it! Guess all kids do because after a few minutes of having it out 4 neighbor kids decided they wanted to come play too! The little boy in the picture is actually a nephew to the people across the street from us but most of their family lives on our street. One of the nice advantages of living in a small town is that you can get to know & trust your neighbors & all the kids can get together in someone's yard & have a good time. Its really a blessing to have that security in the place you live.
Day #7 I can't believe its been almost 10 years since I started doing mammography. I know it may sound weird to some but I really love what I do. I think you have to when it comes to this profession. My patients are very important to me & I strive everyday to do the best job possible to ensure that if they do get bad news that they are treated with respect, compassion, & understanding. Even though I rank right up there with gynecologists & dentists, overall my patients appreciate what I do. My biggest challenge is that within 5-10 minutes I have to earn a person's trust and make a very uncomfortable experience worth coming back for. Early detection is truly what is most important when it comes to breast cancer. With all the many advances in treatment options, this disease is survivable.
This beaded pink ribbon wall hanging was made by one of our breast cancer survivors. She is a remarkable lady with an amazing attitude.
Day #6 I had a really hard time just picking one pic so I decided to post a few from our trip to the Rangers game. It was crazy hot but we had awesome seats & enjoyed the game alot! I was so proud of the girls for sitting in the heat & watching the game & actually paying attention! They amaze me everyday how big they are getting. They were giving out Ian Kinsler jerseys to all the kids 13 & under, so that was a nice surprise, especially since he is Makaylie's favorite! Another awesome bonus was after the game they let fans run the bases. Of course the girls had to do it so I got in line with them. When we got there they insisted I run too. I tried to talk them out of it but eventually gave in. If you know anything about me you know that running with any kind of speed has never been my forte. So of course as I'm sure you guessed, there were about 2 or 3 kids who passed me running bases lol!! Oh well I was way older than them & my girls were happy I ran with them or if you want to get technical I was running behind them! Needless to say it was a wonderful day spent at the ballpark with my three favorite people in the world!
Day #5 Since we have moved to Amber almost 2 years ago we have made some pretty great friends, as you can see here Makaylie & Taygan are enjoying some time with one of them, Emercyn Bates. Her brothers play baseball for Chey & we have become great friends with their mom & dad. We were in Okc watching two of our other baseball players, Kyler & Josh. They were playing in the Sunbelt Classic. Both guys ended up playing very well & their particular team made it to the finals!
Day #4: Other than working today, not much is going on around here. Chey & the girls went to his jr high game & they had to leave before I got off work. Yes its nice & quiet and I should be doing much more important things like cleaning house! So instead I decided to take a pic of this beautiful wheat field right beside our house. I can't imagine the amount of hard work that goes into planting, harvesting, etc. these massive fields around here. Again this pic is just another representation of how pretty summer is in Oklahoma!
Well this wasn't a home run swing, but it did go into the outfield!! This of course means that her daddy has to give her a dollar. He told her at the beginning of the season that for every ball she hit in the outfield she gets a dollar, so I'm not really sure its for the love of money or the love of the game lol!! She amazes me that at 6 years old she is so competitive & serious about playing ball. Guess she is just a chip off the old block and just to clarify not this block! I hope that she always has the drive & determination she has now, whether it be playing ball or something else she loves! Oh and by the way, her daddy owes her $16! Yes she does keep track lol!!
Well this is day one of 365! So I decided to take this picture because me & my girls have cute feet haha just kidding!! No really because it represents summer & being barefoot & carefree! Also my sweet girl's feet aren't going to be this little for long so I want to remember how they looked when they were still my babies. Little do they know they will always be my babies :)
I actually started pic taking yesterday June 1
Hello all!! I'm starting this blog as a challenge to myself to begin project 365. Basically it consists of taking a picture a day for a whole year! Here is a summary of exactly what this means.
Taking a photo a day is a big undertaking with big payoffs. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider doing it: Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned… (Often we find it hard to remember what we did just yesterday or even last night, let alone a whole year ago. Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. Time moves surprisingly fast.
I got this idea from a friend who is doing it as well (thanks emily!) If you know anything about me you know that I love taking pictures. My sweet husband recently bought me a new camera, so what better time to experiment with it than this. Hope you all enjoy looking at & reading about each picture. I can't wait to get started!!
Taking a photo a day is a big undertaking with big payoffs. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider doing it: Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned… (Often we find it hard to remember what we did just yesterday or even last night, let alone a whole year ago. Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. Time moves surprisingly fast.
I got this idea from a friend who is doing it as well (thanks emily!) If you know anything about me you know that I love taking pictures. My sweet husband recently bought me a new camera, so what better time to experiment with it than this. Hope you all enjoy looking at & reading about each picture. I can't wait to get started!!
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